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Paul Lubinsky, M.D. - 2018 Orange County Physician of Excellence

OCMA is proud to recognize our incredible members who are leaders in medicine here in Orange County.  This year, we want to spend time honoring our 2018 Physicians of Excellence and sharing more information on what makes them so excellent.  


Name: Paul Lubinsky, M.D.

Specialty: Pediatric Critical Care

What is the most rewarding thing about practicing medicine?

Helping Kids set the course for the rest of their lives. Children are resilient and tend not to dwell on the past, it is a privilege to care for them.

Why did you choose to practice in Orange County?
From the first day I started my American Medical career as a CHOC intern I could not think of any institution I would rather work at. I have been at CHOC for 34 years and we provide care to whomever needs it.

What’s a great experience you had through your OCMA Membership?

The advocacy work that OCMA is involved in provides a voice for the physicians, that helps to direct and ensure their patients care. As a Pediatric provider we have enhanced Pediatric Board representation and established a Pediatric workgroup to specifically focus attention on Children’s needs 

Do you have a word of advice for today’s students and residents?

If I had it to do over I would choose a career in medicine, and once again Pediatric Critical Care. There are tough days but we can make a positive difference in every patients life story and I cannot think of a more fulfilling career.

Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHOCChildrens/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHOCDocs 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chocchildrens/

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